Home/æ/ - short a ‘bad’

Pronunciation activities for short ‘a’

How to pronounceMovieWordsPhrasesDialoguesCommon wordsTongue twistersMinimal pairsSay the sentencesFind the wordsHear the wordsMissing soundsBeginner news storiesIntermediate news storiesPronunciation journeyWords maze

News Stories

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! News Stories is a collection of interesting and feel-good stories from around the world. Each story is written in two levels – beginners and intermediate. All you need to do is identify the highlighted sounds and choose the correct phoneme that represents that sound. News Stories helps you to identify individual sounds in long and more difficult written text. This improves your pronunciation of the words you read and your reading fluency.

Snake Eats Tongs

Choose the correct sound: /æ/ (the short ‘a’ sound) or /eɪ/ (the long ‘a’ sound)

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A man ... from Australia ... has a snake .... He feeds it a rat .... He holds the rat with tongs. The snake eats the tongs, too.

This is dangerous ... for the snake. Doctors operate on it. They take ... out the tongs.

The snake’s name ... is Winston. After the operation ... he gets better.