Home/u:/ - long u ‘blue

Pronunciation activities for long ‘u’

How to pronounceMovieWordsPhrasesDialoguesCommon wordsTongue twistersMinimal pairsChoose the soundFill in the spacesListen to the soundsBeginner news storiesIntermediate news storiesMinimal pairs dominosWords maze

News Stories

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! News Stories is a collection of interesting and feel-good stories from around the world. Each story is written in two levels – beginners and intermediate. All you need to do is identify the highlighted sounds and choose the correct phoneme that represents that sound. News Stories helps you to identify individual sounds in long and more difficult written text. This improves your pronunciation of the words you read and your reading fluency.

A cat named Bob

Choose the correct sound: /u:/ (the long ‘u’ sound) or /ʌ/ (the short 'u' sound)

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Bob is a cat. A huge ... cat. James is a young ... man from London .... They are great friends.

Before they met, James’s life was tough .... He went busking ... everyday to get money ....

One day, he came home and saw a cat sitting outside his unit .... The cat hung ... around for a few ... days. It had a cut ... on his leg, so James took the cat to the veterinarian. James looked after the cat and named the cat Bob.

Bob went everywhere with James. They even caught the bus ... together to go busking. James played the guitar and Bob sat on his shoulders. People loved ... seeing Bob and gave James more money. People produced ... videos of Bob and James on YouTube .... People came from around the country ... to see them.

Bob changed James’s life. James wrote a book about Bob. The book sold close to two ... million copies. He wrote another ... five books. A film was also made. Now James owns a house and has a good life with Bob.